VCPG Montana

Montana brings its own unique and challenging aspects to the security industry. Whether you are planning a backcountry adventure or a formal event the staff at Veterans covert protection group have been extensively trained and excel in the unforgiving elements of the Montana wilderness. From the Back-country to the boardroom we have you covered

VCPG Montana offers Residential, Commercial and Ranch security. Our agents can give you, your employees, and your family the peace of mind that your security team understands the ever changing environments in Montana. Not only are you covered for the basic theft, property damage and trespassers but VCPG agents also are able to coordinate plans against damage by wildlife and the extreme weather conditions that are constantly changing in the area.

Executive Protection and Security Drivers are a common place in the major metropolises where most companies focus their efforts. In Montana, VCPG has taken those agents that thrived in urban environments, vetted and trained the same agents to excel in the rural and wilderness of Montana and the surrounding states. Agents are trained in wilderness first aid, horsemanship, backcountry navigation and multitudes of other areas that ensure you are just as safe in the rural environments as you are in the urban.

Call Our Montana Office For More Information And A Free Quote

(406) 813-3236
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