

VCPG offers many different services that can be tailored to whatever your business or organization needs. Whether it be a small private get together or protection for an entire corporate building, VCPG has got you covered. Either read the list below to see if we meet your needs or contact us for a more detailed consultation.

  • Venue & Event

    Venue and event security are essential for ensuring the safety of all guests, staff, and performers. As a host or organizer, it is your responsibility to make sure that the event is secure. This means having well-trained security personnel, proper access control measures, and a plan for responding to any emergencies that may arise. By taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your event remains safe and enjoyable for everyone involved. 

    Here are the amenities we offer: 

    Access Control

    -Monitor all incoming and outgoing staff and guests while preventing access to unauthorized personnel.

    Sustained Monitoring

    -Enhance security by surveilling event sites through CCTV and with on-site patrols of restricted areas.

    Quick Response

    -Effective and expedient response to issues such as trespassing, high-threat situations or fire and earthquake.

    Reliable Coverage

    -It’s easier than you think. Customizable security details for all event types 24/7/365

  • Religious Facility Security

    The importance of security guards at places of worship cannot be overstated. In an ever-changing world full of threats both real and perceived, it is essential that places of worship remain safe havens for communities to gather in peace and safety. Security guards provide a visible presence to deter any potential attacks or malicious intent while also providing assurance to visitors that they are safe and protected. 

    Here are amenities that we offer:

    Access Control

    • Monitor all incoming and outgoing staff and guests while preventing access to unauthorized personnel.

    Sustained Monitoring

    • Enhance security by surveilling event sites through CCTV and with on-site patrols of restricted areas.

    Quick Response

    • Effective and expedient response to issues such as trespassing, high-threat situations or fire and earthquake.

    Reliable Coverage

    • It’s easier than you think. Customizable security details for all event types 24/7/365
  • Corporate Security

    Corporate security agents provide invaluable protection for businesses, their employees and customers. They ensure that the premises are kept safe and secure from any intruders or threats. Security agents also help protect valuable assets such as property or confidential information. By providing a visible presence onsite, they can deter potential criminals and monitor activities in and around the area. 

    Here are amenities that we offer:

    Access Control

    -Monitor all incoming and outgoing staff and guests while preventing access to unauthorized personnel.

    Sustained Monitoring

    -Enhance security by surveilling event sites through CCTV and with on-site patrols of restricted areas.

    Executive Transportation

    -Ensure the secure transportation of C-Suite employees with vetted professional drivers.

    Quick Response

    -Effective and expedient response to issues such as trespassing, high-threat situations or fire and earthquake.  

    Hostile Termination

    - Assist in the termination process by escorting former employees from the corporate grounds and preventing their re-entry. 

  • Residential Security

    Residential Security Agents are an integral part of providing safe and secure buildings and neighborhoods. They provide frontline protection against criminal activity, deter potential burglars and trespassers, respond to alarms and emergency situations, as well as monitor on-site activities. Residential Security Agents also serve an important role in providing peace of mind for residents by ensuring that their homes, belongings and families are safe. 

    Here are amenities that we offer:

    Risk Analysis/ Site Assessment

    • We provide risk and threat analyses to determine how to build the optimal residential security program based on your particular needs.

    Hourly Patrols

    • VCPG personnel can be stationed on the property to conduct hourly patrols and immediately respond to threats.

    Daily Activity Reports

    • Detailed daily activity reports can be generated to ensure that no detail, however small, goes unnoticed.

    Sustained Monitoring

    • Monitoring entry/exit points as well as all other areas of importance 24/7/365.

    Guest Screening

    • The VCPG team can screen guests as well as incoming/outgoing estate staff to make sure that no unwanted individuals enter the premises.
  • Executive Protection

    Executive protection is a critical security service that requires an array of specialized skills and expertise. This type of protective service provides for the safety and security of individuals, particularly those in positions of power or influence, from physical harm and other threats. Executive protection teams must be able to anticipate, identify, and effectively respond to potential risks before they become a dangerous reality. Security protocols must be developed in order to provide the highest level of safety for the principal or principals being protected. 

    Here are amenities that we offer:

    Personal Detail

    -Armed or unarmed agents that provide protection 24/7/365. 

    Threat and Risk Assessments 

    -Perform assessments to discover vulnerabilities and build a security strategy that mitigates them.  

    Secure Travel 

    -Maintain the same level of security wherever and however you travel.

    Mail/Package Screening

    -Off-site screening of all mail and packages for an additional layer of protection.

  • Secure Transport

    Guaranteeing the safety of goods and people is essential, but when it comes to items or individuals requiring extra protection, secure transportation is a must. Secure transportation not only safeguards against damage during transit, but also guards against theft and other improper activities. When transporting personnel in particular, reliable security measures are critical for ensuring safe arrival at their destination.

    Here are amenities that we offer:

    Armed Personnel On-site

    -Prevent threats from accessing or compromising the travel team.

    Cash Transport

    -Provide for the secure transit of cash and related valuables in armored vehicles.

    Operational Route Planning

    -Increase travel efficiency reduce security risks by pre-planning travel routes.

    Covert Product Escorts (Tailing, Leading, 3-Car Convoy)

    -Add an extra layer of security while maintaining privacy during travel.

    C-Suite Close Protection, (Ability to travel and create itinerary)

    -Ensure that the security you are used to at the office follows you on the road as well.

    Monitoring Security Cameras

    -Surveil all cargo and vehicles 24/7/365 .

    Access Control

    -Restrict access to all cargo and vehicles to the authorized personnel. 

    Tailored Foot Patrol Routes to Match Clients Needs

    -Maintain strict security even in vehicle restricted, pedestrian only areas of travel.

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